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Old 08-03-2019, 06:07 AM
does it ALL outdoors's Avatar
does it ALL outdoors does it ALL outdoors is offline
Join Date: May 2012
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By the way some Shames fans are talking they have been winning the cup every year.

Everyone watch out for those JUGGERNAUT Shames!

Since the lockout they have,

Missed the playoffs 8 times.

Won ONE playoff series, their best playoff performance in a few decades.

Been bounced in the first round 4 times.

Been swept from the first round twice.

Maybe try comparing yourselves to a higher caliber of team than a bottom feeder.

Guess what, YOU SUCK TOO!!

Only most Oil fans will admit we suck, yet somehow the Shames are a superior team, when compared to a bottom feeder.

Nobody is scared of the Shames come playoff time, FACT! (if they make them, see above stats) I'm sure if you asked every team in the post season who they would want to play and I GUARANTEE to only answer would be the Shames.

Guaranteed win, every time. Last year the pedestrian Avs made them look like a pee-wee team, and that was after the Shames best regular season since??

Should of spent that money replacing that sad joke of a football stadium. At least the Stamps know how to win and don't fold like cheap lawn chairs when it counts the most. Well, at least half the time they don't.

Cue triggered Shames fans in 3,, 2,,
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