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Old 07-24-2019, 06:59 PM
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Bushrat Bushrat is offline
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Originally Posted by Tactical Lever View Post
How do you decide what a credible source is? Probably not by watching some of the foolish TV shows.

You probably believe that there was a Ragnar Lothbrock, because that is what you were told, by TV, but there is scant evidence he existed. More evidence existed for St. Nicholaus, yet you didn't believe that he was a real person...

Here's a list of tribes that describe a similar animal. Described as a real forest creature, not ghost or surpernatural legend.

Ba'wis (Tsimshian Indian Bigfoot)
Boqs (Bella Coola Bigfoot)
Bush Indians (Alaskan Athabaskan Bigfoot)
Chiye-Tanka (Sioux Indian Bigfoot)
Choanito/Night People (Wenatchi Indian Bigfoot)
Hairy Man (Yokuts Indian Bigfoot)
Kohuneje (Maidu Indian Bigfoot)
Lariyin (Dogrib Indian Bigfoot)
Lofa (Chickasaw Indian Bigfoot)
Matah Kagmi (Modoc Indian Bigfoot)
Maxemista (Cheyenne Indian Bigfoot)
Na'in (Gwich'in Indian Bigfoot)
Nakani (Dene Indian Bigfoot)
Nant'ina (Tanaina Indian Bigfoot)
Nik'inla'eena' (Koyukon Indian Bigfoot)
Omah (Hupa Indian Bigfoot)
Sasquatch (Coast Salish Indian Bigfoot)
Seeahtlk (Clallam Indian Bigfoot)
Shampe (Choctaw Indian Bigfoot)
Siatco (Chehalis Indian Bigfoot)
Skookum (Chinook Indian Bigfoot)
Ste-ye-hah'mah (Yakama Indian Bigfoot)
Stick Indians (Northwest Coast Bigfeet)
The Woodsman (Athabaskan Indian Bigfoot)

Along with stories and sightings of something from other cultures in different countries, we also have individual sightings. While I can't consider 100 percent of them credible, neither can I consider 100 percent of them incredible.

So that leaves room for doubt in my mind.
Every culture had beliefs and legends about shape shifters, spirits, ghosts, shamans, giants, aliens etc, etc. Sasquatch is just another one of these mythical legends handed down over the eons around campfires all over the world.
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