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Old 07-21-2019, 11:34 PM
Jamie Jamie is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by ETOWNCANUCK View Post
Ok Jamie.

Show me one time in human history where that has never been the case.

Why have they're always been someone in control, you spout fairytales, so even 'God is in control if you believe in that.
Religion, which was created by man is a way of controlling the people.
Gee what are the 10 commandments.
Handed down from a 'Supreme' being.

As, humans we are made to be ruled and have been since the beginning.
You and me, we are but the lowly of humankind and are allowed to run around only as those in control see fit.

You want to waste your time on this planet worrying about things you have no control over, go ahead.

I fully understand my rights, and don't believe I have lost any.

And by your own words in regards to the .05 BS as you state is BS, is the very attitude that is the topic at hand.

So answer one question if you can.
You don't like this legislation.

Would it have come into affect at all if the people just did what they were supposed to in the first place?

I don't buck the system and have no problems of any type with LEO's, lawyers, or judges or any part of the legal system.

if you feel you are being treated unfairly by the system, then maybe you should change some of your opinions, or at least keep them to yourself.
Are you on Crack? None of what you said is even comprehendible.

You don't "BUCK THE SYSTEM" So, because everything is fine for you, the rest of the sheep should be fine?

I should keep my ideas to myself because they dont agree with your Sheep like mentality?

People don't do what they are supposed to so we need new laws? Perhaps we should also out law drugs, murder, and being high while posting to A/O......

You make no sense and straight up, I cant talk with someone who cant put together a decent thought.

I wish you good luck and make sure you bend over when you get stopped next time. Makes things easier for the LEOS. They will be doing a full on cavity search "just because"
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