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Old 07-21-2019, 10:05 AM
cacty cacty is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post
Plenty of species thought to be extinct? So they’ve actually had proof that they existed but thought that they went extinct only to find out they haven’t. Big difference! You should learn about the population density of a species required to perpetuate existence. If they are as rare as you claim, the likelihood of the species being able to continue to procreate is extremely unlikely. If we can’t find them with all our modern technology, how do they find each other to mate? Do they have telekinetic powers?

This is North America not Papua New Guinea, we have a lot more people and technology, what’s a newly discovered species here?

Bigfoot has supposedly been spotted all across America, not just in the Wilmore, as far as I knew the US has a fairly high population! We find skeletal remains of T-Rex but so far none from a Sasquatch? I really wish it existed too, but wishes don’t make facts go away. If there was any proof whatsoever I’d be a believer, but there isn’t any, otherwise you would post it.

So you beleive that Sasquatch exists because people said they seen one, but the fact that there is no proof of there existence is a “theory” you chose not to beleive is plauseable......... hahaha! You are certainly entitled to overlook facts in order to prove to yourself that they exist, unfortunately I have to listen to facts in order to sway my judgement.

At this point in time I have just as much faith in there being leprechauns, mermaids, and unicorns as I do there being Bigfoot, and the more I’ve researched it lately, the less likely I think they exist.

Maybe I’m out of line here, but don’t you think that if scientists actually believed in the existence of Bigfoot that they would have swarmed Slave Lake with dogs, drones, and infra red cameras to get on the trail while it’s hot?

You obviously think they exist, I’ve flat out asked both cacty and driller212 what makes them believe, but neither one has answered. Maybe you can answer just what it is that makes you a believer? Maybe you know something I don’t? I really would love to hear it.
I NEVER once said I "believe". Please do not put words in my mouth again sir. Thank you.
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