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Old 07-20-2019, 02:06 PM
Bigwoodsman Bigwoodsman is online now
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Originally Posted by bessiedog View Post
i actually really do think the shames needed a tougher, better presence on the ice and in the locker room.
Hopefully looch will stand up for his little boys (johnny n monny) and the teams expensive pet turtle on the ice. As well as hold the whiner pretty pros boys accountable in the locker room (again.. Johnny n monny n turtle boy).

Can’t wait till the kass vs looch tilt!

It might just be possible that kass could become uglier...... Hard maybe there.

I agree.... Neal is a lazy slug as per last season.... Buy your missing the point. The dudes got something to prove. We just need one season with a good 20+ goal scorer.

We’ll get that then we can leave him unprotected for seattle to grab... Or buy bye him out with little impact.

Flames really just needed muscle for one year. Turtle boy will reach puberty soon and fill out like his dad (hopefully not fat...!.. Lol). Then he’ll be a tough rough power forward that can step up and damage people.

My worry honestly for the oil is we only got kass and nurse who’ll asnswer the bell.

No ones really scared of that..... Could be a problem.

We need to teach the german to kick some das boot!

In both teams cases..... If the zebras would just call the stuff that gets done to johnny and mcd on a regular basis..... Especially in the playoffs.... Both teams would be way better off.

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