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Old 07-19-2019, 10:35 PM
270person 270person is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
Kinda cute how people see multiple space ships but have no proof.....
Most non believers that are adamant , (space ship or Bigfoot) feel this way out of fear. It’s like a built in safety mechanism so as they can still participate in the bush. They know that deep down inside if they were proved real, they would never enter the bush alone again. Let alone camp by themselves on a mountain side.

Why wouldn't we enter the bush alone? Has there been people killed by them? If they DID exist and were a threat there would be dead people. There aren't.

Grizzly bears and cougar kill people. We know this for a fact. Yet we still wander into the bush. Lions and tigers and rhinos and polar bears and Mako sharks exist and they kill people all the time. People still go on about their lives. Why would another animal/humanoid change how we look at the wilderness?

I can't believe I'm even posting in this thread. It's like arguing with my granddaughter that Teddy Ruxpin isn't a real bear. There's about as much chance these things exist as Mila Kunis and I hooking up for a week of naughty behaviour.
You matter. Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared... ...then you energy.

Last edited by 270person; 07-19-2019 at 11:01 PM.
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