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Old 07-19-2019, 10:29 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
The thing you saw in the sky.
It was lights. I’m sure if you go outside right now, providing there isn’t total cloud cover, even you’ll see lights in the sky.

I don’t deny this guy saw something, I just think it was a bear.

I’ll mention a couple things here.

First off, look at the guys on tv who say they saw Bigfoot, then look at the guys on tv who say they seen a ufo....

Then there are the movies of supposedly real life accounts of alien abduction like those loggers from Maine I beleive it was. Several accounts from commercial and military pilots of seeing lights in the sky while they were flying jets, lights that seem to play with military aircraft then leave them in the dust. Then you have Bubba and Delray who done saw a Sasquatch steal their 1979 trans am, lol.
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