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Old 07-19-2019, 06:44 PM
driller212 driller212 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 62

On the dna front many hair samples folks have tested over the years have come back "unknown primate". Since no academic wants to touch the subject with a 10ft pole that's as far as it has gotten so far. So yes dna samples are out there. Do a simple google.

Gigantopithecus fossils have been found and its reconstructions fit the sasquatch description perfectly. Not to mention for something to become fossilized takes very specific conditions,and is a rare occurrence.

Heck, Jeff Meldrum has basically proved their existence just based off of his work with tracks alone.

If a semi intelligent species wanted to avoid us it would not be terribly hard, and the times they fail to avoid us become myth that is ridiculed to the extreme. Just look at how people get cut down on here. It only needs to happen once and someone will never talk about it again.

I've experienced many things in my time in the bush that were not explainable over the years, and I know others that are reputable folks that have had sightings or weird unexplainable things happen to them as well. For someone like me, I know they are out there. It's not a matter of opinion. And I don't particularly care to prove it to anyone. It is nice for people to have a safe place to share such things with eachother however, which is why I started that YouTube channel, and work with the ASO. Some folks get pretty bad ptsd from it, and having others with similar experiences to share with is the best therapy for it IMO.

Hopefully we can keep things civil here (yes ironic coming from me). :P

Either way. Watch your back in the bush, even if you don't believe. These things are not peaceful towards our species, or our canine friends.
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