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Old 09-30-2009, 08:34 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Default The Absolute BEST weekend of hunting

And to think its not all about me
My son who is 12 has taken up birding, took him out a couple of weeks ago, he was trash talking me in what he was going to accomplish, a box of shells later, nothing to show for it, it was a tough day for him. We got again this past weekend and set up the decoys, a really wierd set up as no where to hide, so it was more like pass shooting lol. Well he shot his first duck,the look on his face was PRICELESS, heart racing, in awe and look of surprise. I have to say he is not the best retriever in marking but he gets the job done Well not only did he get his first duck, but he limits out with 8 mallards. He wont forget this day for a long time.

Well that was Saturday, now Sunday comes. I have a trophy Antelope tag, took me 8 yrs to get it, my daughter who has an interest in hunting wants to shoot it. Well the fact that my 15 year old daughter wants to spend time with dad, I jumped at that opportunity so bought her a partner licence. We left Sunday to pre-scout for opening day Monday. The wind was howling, and the antelope without a season open were spooky I wasnt looking for a monster as I normally would, I wanted the right set up and to have this as a good experience in hope that she would want to continue as hunting is not cool at her age with other girls and she was adamant that it had to be respectable buck. Well half hour into the hunting season , we pulled a sneak. Had a tough time getting close, best we could do was 250 yards which I didnt feel comfortable. She whispered saying I can do this. So off came the safety, and whammmm, the 12" buck dropped like a stone. We both looked at each other in disbelief and I received the biggest hug ever, she was proud as a punch and I couldnt have been prouder, not for the kill but the experience and safe hunting she showed.

So in a matter of two days, first time it wasnt all about me, this is just soooooooooooo much better. I don't write here often but it feels good to share

forgot to upload a pic of my son, but I do have one of my daugher with her first goat

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