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Old 07-11-2019, 11:32 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by ctd View Post
Police get a call from neighbour that they are being shot at. Fact.
Sees Police at neighbours place tells friends to wrap up shooting, hearsay.
Gets call from the Police, panics hangs up phone. Fact
Gets another call from Police complys with direction sort of. Fact
Police do a high risk takedown. Fact
No one hurt but some feelings fact.
If they were doing nothing wrong why wrap up their shooting?
Why hang up on the Police the first time.

It will be interesting to see and hear the Police video, the initial complaint, the first call and the second call to the guy, his videos to wrap it all up.

From the initial looks of it the Police did their job. In a ever changing enviroment responded properly.
Initial call shots fired. They call the guy he hangs up. Sorry but that is cause to rally the men and perform a takedown.

As for all the Police haters. Any day anytime go apply for the job and lead by example. Lead the change the Police need to be better in your eyes.
Or criticize them for every action they do that you do not agree with and be part of a larger problem.
Either way I hope when one reads facts, leaves emotions and opinions out a discussion that we can have real thread on the what happened. Or maybe we just have a bash the Police I can do better thread as normal.
Police get call from neighbor that they are being shot at- supposedly
Gets call from the Police, panics hangs up phone- supposedly
Gets another call from Police complys with direction sort of- suposedley
No one hurt but some feelings- false, from the sounds of it he may have suffered a shoulder injury.
Cops put up the wall of silence. Fact.

I agree that if he hung up then answered the follow up call it could be considered shady, and a high risk takedown could be in order..... however, a quick assessment after he is in cuffs and the whole situation could have been figured out and settled in a manner that was professional.

As for becoming a cop, just because they have a badge, doesn’t mean they should be a cop. As proven in the other video on the news of the cop who couldn’t control his emotions, not all cops deserve to be. So telling people they should be cops if they don’t agree with this type of law enforcement probably would only lead to more bad cops, something we don’t need. I know a few people, probably myself included who probably shouldn’t be a cop even though it’s just a few months training to become one.
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