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Old 07-10-2019, 09:59 AM
JB_AOL JB_AOL is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary, Alberta
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
I think he lost a lot of credibility when he started screaming about having to replace his gate. Near the top of his lungs, almost crying after everything else that was the worst part?

When you watch COPS or Border Security or any show involving live take-down the (alleged) criminal is standing there with a needle in his front pocket, knife in his boot, handgun in the belt, brass knuckles in the back pocket- you are getting what I am getting to here I hope, denying everything. 'that's not mine, you planted it, I have never seen that needle before, they are my sister's jeans, that's mom's gun'....

This guy could be lying about everything, looking for a huge go-fund-me, they have worked in the past.

Only he knows what truly happened, we may never hear it.

if he is lying and covering something up he may truly believe he is in the right. Whatever happens I hope the truth is found and the mess is straightened out.

I think this is a case of him having watched too many of the you-tube video's where the SJW's walk around with an ar-15 looking for a LEO to go after them, or the guys that claim they do not have to comply with the Police, roll down the window 1/4" hoping for a window to be smashed and go viral.
Bingo. Like I said, chances are good, him (and/or his brother) are probably known to police, and he's looking for a payout.
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