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Old 06-26-2019, 08:56 AM
riden riden is online now
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Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
My 21 yr old son has a GF who lives south of Spruce Grove. Coming home on the weekend at 1:30 am, the RC pulled him over at a red light in SG. Said his Tail lights were not working. Then proceeded to check his drivers licence and gave him a breathalyzer. Did advise him this was a new law and they have the right to ask for the test without cause. Drives an older Mazda 3 so you still have to turn on your headlights to see at night.

I'm fine with the breathalyzer check during the stop but his lights were working fine before, during and after. Clean record and not drinking so he was on his way pretty quick. He did nothing wrong but got stopped for being a young guy is my guess.
And that is one reason this law is unlikely to survive a charter challenge. It gives police the right to pull over any young guy for no reason ....... especially young guys who are not the right colour.

If it survives the present challenges, which I think it won't, I think you will see some very interesting statistics being gathered as to who the police actually pull over and who they don't.
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