Thread: Rural Theft
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Old 06-25-2019, 09:45 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Communist state
Posts: 13,243

We need a Deadpool to come and chop these thieves up. Cops and courts are useless.

A friend of mine had his place broken into, truck and trailer loaded up and drove off with his stuff. Got pictures on his trail cam, located the truck in calling lake, cops said they couldn’t do anything about it, not even go have a look for any of his stuff. Said he’d have to catch them red handed.

Two years later he’s driving out to his acreage, sees a truck in the ditch loaded up with a bunch of things like generator, chainsaw etc. figured it looked like his stuff. Got to his acreage to find out the place was broken into again! Goes back to the truck in the ditch, now there’s another truck there and three of them transferring his property from one truck to the next. My friend gets out of his truck, walks up to their truck and verifies it’s his property then snaps. Starts yelling and told them he’s calling the cops and they have to sit tight. They start approaching him so he reaches in his truck and said “this gun is loaded, you’re going to wait for the cops”. Cops get there and arrest them. Fast forward a few months, he takes time off of work to go to court only to see the case get thrown out of court!!!!

Catches them once with a trail cam, not good enough.

Catches them red handed, not good enough.

Only one other option left imo.
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