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Old 06-05-2019, 10:08 AM
Full Curl Earl Full Curl Earl is offline
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Just watched the CCFRAGM2019, and it is the organization to join.
I joined a couple of years ago, provides insurance and you can also add legal defence insurance should you need it, well spent money.
I qouted Elkhunter11 below, as he's a very active member in the shooting sports and on AO. Watch the AGM and see why this is the group to align with. They are being a voice none of the other organizations are, they are professional and organized, and this we all lack. We need to stop hiding as gun owners, as they said in the AGM, 'This approach hasn't worked".
I am not a big believer of the way the NRA operates, but they have been effective. CCFR is no NRA, thats for certain, but we need to put dollars in the hands that have the attention on the Hill.
Voting isn't enough, we need to get a backbone, speak up, and rally gun owners to show numbers prior to elections, because politicians care about votes. If you do nothing other than provide lip service, you will have failed not only yourself, but your children and Grandchildren. Loss of Freedoms is a worthy fight.

Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
My feelings exactly, the more people that we can recruit into the shooting sports, the more votes we get opposing gun control regulations. So getting people involved in shooting, likely does us more good than all of the three shooting organizations lobbying does.
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