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Old 03-20-2019, 10:45 AM
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ramonmark ramonmark is offline
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Originally Posted by wildwoods View Post
While I agree with the video to some extent, we hunters are famous for talking out of both sides of our mouths.
Example, non hunter asks why we kill coyotes. “To help the deer population”. Ok fair enough.
Another non hunter asks why we shoot antlerless deer. “There’s too many getting hit on the highway so we need to thin the herd”.
You can’t have it both ways!!!!!
Point is this. Yes habitat loss and development can aid in wolf predation. I don’t think we can argue that. Just remember it’s ok to say we kill deer because it’s in our blood as hunters to enjoy the pursuit. Let’s stop pretending that EVERYTHING we do is with populations in mind.

Not accusing anyone, just general musings from what I see as justification for our passions. It’s ok to like hunting for hunting. Even if it is a controversial species being targeted (wolf, grizz etc). We don’t need to justify or even take it a step further- and BLAME the antis like the guy in the video. He has a point, just something to keep in mind
Agreed. If all we cared about was helping the wildlife then we'd donate money towards fixing the problem. Hunting is something I live for and it has benefits for the wildlife population. Nuff said.
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