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Old 02-22-2019, 09:39 AM
Freedom55 Freedom55 is offline
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Originally Posted by pikeman06 View Post
Totally agree. I've said it before. Add money and guys will find a way to cheat somehow. Holding tourneys on any of these lakes with collapsed populations and tag systems is a joke. There is always mortality and stress on fish. Everyone is targeting the biggest females in hot weather and deep water. They shut down the commercial guys, if protecting and trying to enhance a fishery that in the eyes of the biologists is on its last breath then sorry but tournament fishing certainly doesn't conform to what they are trying to accomplish. Especially when the tournament guys don't have tags. How can they "retain" or "possess" a fish that's illegal to keep, even if it's just to a weigh station.
I take it you don't like tournaments and have no problem slagging tournament participants. Let me enlighten you a little. As mentioned above, Moose Lake is going to a catch, photograph and release format. That way the purists get what they need, cheat-schemes are eliminated and the tournament guys get their fix too. Many tournaments have adopted the AIM format and the rest will likely change with time and pressure from lobbyists for ethical fishing.

Seems to me that I saw a well known angler at Pinehurst 3 or 4 yrs. ago that had to rig a cooler and a couple of pumps on an expensive jet-boat that was delivered without a live well. Then there was a couple of guys from down east that started off in a tinner and took a fifth place finish just off Dog Island. They showed up with a bigger boat after that but they were somewhat successful in a home rigged boat. Go for it.

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