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Old 02-17-2019, 05:03 AM
SNAPFisher SNAPFisher is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by dutch_m View Post
Interesting ,
Pretty well sums it all up , don't it ,
16 inches of ice , full charge battery , did 61 holes and battery dead , had enough to do one more hole , so 62
62 x16 of solid ice is 992 ft of ice

992 ft , now take ice at 4 ft or 48 inches =20 holes , let's not forget the bigger point , that his was a 8 inch auger, not a 10 inch , would be even less holes with a 10 , that's why I said 17 holes
I thought you might chime back in. The reason I said your math is suspect. Just scroll up to what you wrote earlier:

My understanding is , the strikemaster is good for 450 inches of ice to a battery , so at 4 ft of ice , that's like 10 holes befor your battery's is dead
Just a reminder for you.

I don't know how many holes I'll drill today but I doubt I'll get to the 2nd tick on the battery. Working great for me! And less and less I think I'll need my backup auger.
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