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Old 02-11-2019, 06:27 PM
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Twisted Canuck Twisted Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
You are really hitting the paranoia juice too hard my friend, there’s a ton of reasonable explanations for that kind of thing. The publisher probably has a deal with another retailer or something.

They aren’t out to get you. You ain’t that interesting.

I think you read way more into that than I put into it. The fact was, the book and kindle download was not available in Canada, but no problem getting it from the US site. I'm not sure what paranoia juice tastes like, but that was the situation. I understand if the physical hard copy isn't available for some reason, but the download?

I'm don't know where you got the idea that I thought they were out to get me personally, but I agree, I'm just like you...not that interesting.

For the record, the book in question is 'Black Lies Matter'...try and find it on ca, and then com. It is an excellent read.
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Last edited by Twisted Canuck; 02-11-2019 at 06:45 PM.
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