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Old 02-05-2019, 10:23 PM
RACKER RACKER is offline
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Originally Posted by SNAPFisher View Post
Call me crazy but I think I can hear ice being made at Pigeon, right now, from downtown Edmonton
I thought the -29C was a good ice day yesterday. This morning, -39C at Pigeon...

And, no real end in sight yet for this long cold snap. I do not believe ice conditions will be much of a worry after this.
Finally some good ice getting manufactured!Hopefully now I dont have to worry about driving the diesel out there.Now if only the ice heave at Mulhurst would disappear.Just might bring a chainsaw and a few recruits to cut it down.Without the usual heave in the middle the lake, ice seems to be pushing up on shore alot more.Stay warm and good luck this weekend to all that head out.
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