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Old 02-03-2019, 08:50 AM
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Originally Posted by RACKER View Post
What happens to your body the second you go off Keto?This might be a good fad to lose some weight but I doubt it would be a long term way to eat healthy.If you have a family of 4 or 5 are you cooking everything seperate for yourselves or are the kids stuck on this too.And are you getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs or just eating pills from a health food store.Cutting out excess sugar from your diet makes a healthy choice but totally cutting out carbs does not make sense to me.You can still have a very healthy and strong body and mind by eating properly-with carbs and exercise.Diets never last.

Keto is not a FAD diet. I know people who have followed this way of eating for years. My doctor actually supports and follows this way of eating and has nothing but good things to say. My Muay Thai/boxing coach follows this way of eating and encourages and helps others to try it out. The energy alone from this way of eating is amazing. No carb crashes thats for sure

I also know many who have cured or dramatically eased all sorts of medical issues switching to this way of eating.

If I went and had carbs today, say a big sandwich. My bloodpressure shoots up, I get super sluggish and tired, irritable etc.

Carbs are bad and you can get a strong body on any diet but it doesnt mean you are healthy. Far from it sometimes.

The fact you ask if we have to eat a bunch of pills tells me you have done little to no research on this "fad" you are commenting on. The only vitamin I take is magnesium as it helps me sleep at night. Anyone I know who is on this way of eating does not need any vitamins. Eat the right food and you will never need vitamins. Join a legit Keto facebook group. People are constantly getting bloodwork done to compare to there pre-keto times and that changes happening are always for the better longterm.

My friends kid has crazy bad psoriasis and they heard Keto helps, you can almost not tell he has psoriasis at all now as keto help him alot.

Look at the keto sites that provide scientific support. People will argue to death that you need carbs but those are the ones that cannot break the addiction.

Last edited by troutbug; 02-03-2019 at 08:57 AM.
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