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Old 01-30-2019, 07:06 PM
lastlatvian lastlatvian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 107

Our carbon tax is the best in the countryi in terms of business option(s) it allows way more freedoms into taxing via the credit system (other provinces us it as a example). Our taxing outside of the carbon tax on oil is the same as the king ralph days and should actually be higher. If we had a progressive tax rate like most socialist countries i.e. norway or sweden -- we would have a rainy day fund and not be in this mess.

Instead we have decades of greedy conservative governments that didn't prepare for this, they squandered the money giving everyone a few bucks, and business kick backs. We are lucky we didn't become a new venezuela, a country with more oil and better quality oil. Alberta on the other hand has crap oil, for the most part that requires solvents just to get it to pump through a pipeline.

If we didn't put a curtailment we would not only have lower prices given to the US for pennies on the dollar, the same lay offs and more collapsing companies...

Everyone who thinks the conservatives could do a better job should remember the last time they literally blamed us.
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