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Old 01-30-2019, 12:58 PM
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bwackwabbit bwackwabbit is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Sylvan Lake
Posts: 1,709

Coming up on a year on Keto myself.

SW 285lbs
CW 181lbs
GW 170lbs

I was diagnosed as a T2 diabetic a year prior to Keto with an A1C of 11.8, my A1C has been 5.1 for 6 mos now and HDL, and TG numbers have improved greatly. Resting heart rate went from avg of 95 bpm to 60 bpm I also went from a tight size 42 pant to a loose size 30 in that time.

Keto is great as long as you understand that you should be eating "Real" foods in the macros that make sense for your body type and desired results. I've seen too many get sucked in chasing those old favourites in Keto form (breads, sweets etc.).

Fat is important as it becomes your body's new fuel but the quality of that fat is just as important. The most important thing I have learned is to really understand where what I eat comes from and how it gets to me.

As others have said this is really a way of life or rather a way of eating for the rest of my life. I've had a few slips along the way and it's amazing how quickly a few pounds sneak back on! Likely a result of the damage to my liver and pancreas done by a lifetime of carb addiction.

With time I know Keto will cure that as well.


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