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Old 01-22-2019, 02:25 PM
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Rig-Rat Rig-Rat is offline
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Originally Posted by Jamie View Post
Rig, the Corral was awesome. Pat Riggen (Team USA Hero) Reggie Lemelin who ended up being replaced by Mike Vernon, From the very first game until the last season. Dads company had 4 seats. Watching the Flames have to cross the concourse to get on the ice. Then the Dome opened.. I recall walking into the dome and thinking this was the biggest place I had ever been. They used to let you pour your own Nacho cheese sauce if you hit the concessions at the end of Dome. The whole Flames coming to Calgary thing was one of the biggest memories I have as a kid. Just perfect timing. A 9 turning 10 hockey mad kid who never dreamed of seeing a NHL game live and here they were. I still hadn't realized that I sucked and still held the dream of playing with them all. It was like being in Disney land. I think I almost passed out when the Flames skated onto the ice for the very first game. I didn't sleep for 3 days prior to the game. What a amazing experience that gift was.
HAHA that's awesome, funny you mention Reggie Lamelin, he always sticks out in my mind, a goalie of all things haha but always him. Another one I keep going back to is Willy Plett as well and I don't know why he sticks out in my mind.
I agree when I first stepped foot in the Dome I couldn't believe it was for hockey, so big. Same thing goes for now when I see the Corral I can't believe it was for the NHL..
One funny thing I remember was I didn't know much about all that NHL, and I bust have thought that since it was a Calgary team, everyone was from Calgary and my mind was blown when my Dad explained there were players from different parts of the world on the team.
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