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Old 01-16-2019, 02:42 PM
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Half Pickereled Half Pickereled is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 137

Carson lake has what sounds like the same situation as Beaver. At Carson we were out on the ice and had started a small fire, doing some fishing and sledding. Me and the mistress were approached by a CO (also on a skidoo) on the ice beside the truck and skidoo trailer as to what we were doing with them in the park. I said we are fishing and sledding lol. He said it’s not allowed in the park. I replied that the local snowmobile club trails actually cross the lake through the park (Golden Triangle) so how does that apply? He said I was right, so to reestablish ego he wanted to see our registration and insurance. Well the wife’s sled registration had lapsed so he said to load it up or she’s getting a ticket, and to stick to the lake and trails only with mine and he carried on. Justice restored.
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