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Old 01-11-2019, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by oiler_nation View Post
I spend significant time (more than my wife would like) thinking about hunting fishing and the issues around them. I am no hypocrite, and I based the idea that you are an advocate for random RV camping and OHV use (which you appear to be) off a hell of a lot more than you based your assessment of me.

I was not suggesting that you do not fish or hunt or love your children. I assume everyone on the forum likes to hunt or fish and probably most of us love our kids, wives, dogs, and family. I was eluding to the fact that if push comes to shove you value camping in an RV and quading more than the conservation of habitats and wilderness that support the species we like to hunt and fish. Maybe I am wrong. I do not begrudge you for enjoying the RV and OHV's with your kids (as stated I support multiple use), but I do support setting aside areas where those activities are restricted and a more rustic wilderness experience is available. You appear to disagree, and that is fine. We can both love the outdoors and sit on opposite sides of the fence on a particular issue.

The Bighorn is a large tract of land and the PLUZ is even larger. I would love to see room for you to take your kids on designated trails in specific areas while I can take mine into an area designated for a more authentic wilderness experience. Based case scenario, when my knees and back give out my kid will be doing the same things with their kids. That is the essence of the multiple use framework.
Are there not enough of these dedicated areas you have indicated you require in Alberta yet? I'd love to go over a map with you and point them all out. You may be quite surprised how many there already are.
Two reasons you may think CO2 is a pollutant
1.You weren't paying attention in grade 5
2. You're stupid
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