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Old 01-06-2019, 12:51 PM
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bessiedog bessiedog is offline
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Default So...

Originally Posted by 223MB View Post
That kid has about as much credibility as my left shoe.
By casual observation.... you appear to be Dead Moose’s roommate.


So! Imma thinkin big game here!

Morale is lower than a snakes belt buckle for my Mighty Oil and their faithful ( I ain’t down... I helped get another elk Friday an my training plan is on schedule so far so life’s good!) Gut check time for the committed. The ONE player I feel bad for is Nuge..... he’s been through this before, and he soldiers on.... his stats speak to his character.

Need a few other boys in the locker groom to take note.

I’d like to comment on a trend I’m noting. The blogosphere and media are sure as heck savage..... always has been. That’s gotta be a factor affecting the Oil over the last few years... I know ‘they get paid lots and yada yada... but Geeze!
The whole Jounal ‘player grade’ thing and such from other media types... it’s gotta affect a guys confidence.

For those of you keyboard warriors who are chomping at the bit to type ‘suck it up’...... you got zero free regarding this unless you’ve experienced it... sorry.

I think people still need to try to write on social media and other media with the mindset that they assume they are face to face in the conversation.

I got one example that keeps popping up in my head:

I’m closely related to an NHLer who played 20 seasons in the ‘90s and 2000’s.... good guy. He wore the A for more than one team. Voted several times on several teams as the fittest, most dedicated player on the team. He was never ever a vocal guy. He played along side a few of the greatest players to ever play. You’d like him.

Anyways, he did a stint in Montreal with the Habs..... and had a bad game. The media there savaged him. Never let it go. Rode him like a rented mule till finally he got traded.
The next team... well he quickly earned an assistant captain A again and had I think at least two decent playoff runs.

Only negative thing I heard him say about hockey was the Montreal media.

I think there’s a lesson to be learned there. For media types, sports fans ... and maybe us.

Say stuff like your saying it to the persons face.... and you’ll probably be a much more decent person....

Yea.... I’m sittin here with my thought procrastinating..I rambled.... sorry.
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