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Old 12-31-2018, 01:03 AM
West O'5 West O'5 is offline
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Originally Posted by HIGHLANDER HUNTING View Post
definetely does count! we were expecting many more stories about heart attacks in the're the first one so far. A co-worker of mine suffered a serious heart attack in BC while hunting, and he crawled all the way out to his truck. His brother had an Ambulance there waiting for him in the parking lot that saved his life- got to the hospital quickly and had bypass surgery.
I remember some years ago reading an article in Field n Stream or Outdoor Life or sumthin....anyhow,it was hunting accident stats accumulated over several years in USA.
Heart attacks was #1 killer of deer hunters,falls from trees was #2.......gunshot wounds was surprisingly way down on list at #8 or #9 iirc?

Personally speaking,the worst accident I can recall doing to myself was I was crouched over ducking under some low hanging branches and when I stood up on other side I drove 1/4” branch deep into my eye socket.I fell to my knees and was temporarily blinded in both eyes from pain and shock I spose,I could feel fluids pouring out of my eye but can’t see because both eyes are watering,didn’t know if it was blood or tears or eyeball fluids,it was scary as hell.
After being blind for what seemed like forever but probably only a minute or two,my non affected eye stopped watering and I could at least see it wasn’t blood,and another 5-10 minutes of rest the vision came back in the poked eye,got real lucky,I’m sure the stick went a good 2-3” deep into eye socket between my eyeball and nose but no permanent damage,just hurt like hell and scary AF for a few minutes.
The toughest thing about waiting for the zombie apocalypse is pretending that I'm not excited.
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