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Old 12-12-2018, 11:15 AM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Communist state
Posts: 13,243

I haven’t owned the ascent but I’ve owned a Montana, great rifle.

First off, if you’re looking for an ultralight, the Ridgeline isn’t it. You can rule that one out. An alternative I would suggest is a Barrett Fieldcraft, and from what I’ve heard it’s an accurate rifle.

The Ridgeline is an awesome rifle, I have one right now and I’m considering another. It’s not heavy but it’s also not what I’d consider an ultralight. What it is, is an accurate rifle that’s a joy to shoot on the bench and easy enough to pack all day long on a hunt. Customer service is excellent as well.

Hunting wise, I’m not sure if you require an ultralight, if so then like I said the Ridgeline is out but definitely for Hunting anywhere outside of the tallest mountain peaks I think that either will do. On the bench there is no comparison, the Ridgeline all day long. With the carbon wrapped barrel you won’t get the barrel whip like you’ll get from the ascent, the Ridgeline will also cool way faster.

Not knocking Kimber because I think they make a fine rifle, but if it were me I’d get a Ridgeline. Ymmv.
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