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Old 12-11-2018, 05:48 PM
Abe89 Abe89 is offline
Join Date: May 2016
Posts: 242

Originally Posted by crazy_davey View Post
And yes, it’s very relevant, you started to care once it affected an area you frequent, a place you didn’t spend time(Castle/Livingstone) you didn’t give a $H!t.

Mmmm....well this could be fun [emoji16]
I know Theres probably not much point keeping this going as I seem to have become your boogy man to attack, but meh... I can’t resist! I’m having fun now! My fragile pride is at steak. (That would be venison steak. Backstrap. With rinellas gremolata)
Let’s examine a few little personal life facts now that judgment has been passed!
Was I involved with the castle: no. Did I know anything about the castle? No. I didn’t even know it was a wild place until AFTER the dust had already settled and that information was gleaned solely through threads on this forum...which I joined in 2016....and the castle debacle was, by my research, 2015. Hmmm.
But, am I ****ed off about the castle now? can bet your armadillo I am! (I’m just going on a do have one right? )
And yes, you’re right, I am from a different area. So no, I’m not educated about your area. Why is this? Let’s pull up a microscope:
I, in 2016 (1 year after the castle consultations) was (drum roll)....a brand spanking new hunter! [emoji56] I grew up in a province with no deer, grew up without guns, and surprise, i didn’t grow up hunting. So, in 2016 my main focus and time was spent: understanding how to hunt deer, hunting deer, understanding what the heck were WMUs and all that other land stuff, finding out where I can hunt deer IN MY AREA etc. Etc. Etc. So thats 120% of my time, the other 90% of time is balancing commuting an hour one way to a concrete finishing job of 1000hrs/week and being a new father. So, was the castle a priority on my radar? ......nope. And I didn’t know it existed to boot.
To further this treatise...maybe I live with my head in the sand (it’s quiet and very peaceful in there) but the porcupine is brand new news to me (Say that a few times fast). Am I ****ed off about it now that I’m educated? ....yup.
You were at these meetings 20years ago. Good. I am glad. You have my thanks and respect. Reading between the lines I am gleaning that I should have been there. I will let my mother know she should have had me I would have been a different province.....on the other side of Canada. Shame on me!

My point behind all of this is: attacking me just cause I’m late to the war does what? So I wasn’t there for the castle or the porcupine (and yes I have hunted the porcupine in the past so that does affect me), if I interpret you correctly, because I don’t have your cool experience fighting this From the very beginning I need to go stick my head back in the sand? How does that help us?
Kind respectful education on the issue would go a lot farther. That’s been my main reason behind this discussion; the bighorn was new information for me, right, wrong, whatever, it is what it is. I’ve been off AO for almost a year now, and it seems to be one of the more reliable places to find out about things that affect us, without government worded bias. So this thread was a response to my shock. Read around post 118 or 119, turns out I’m not the only one. Read posts from oilernation. Turns out I am not the only one. So....instead of a negative shut down can I kindly ask for either silence or respectful education on the matter at hand? Dividing us doesn’t do a dam bit of good.

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