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Old 12-11-2018, 01:31 AM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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From what appears to be a Quebec hunting mag editor? Sentier Chasse-Pêche
Just a paste and copy off FB, but, he makes a point and explains what is going on in Quebec. I agree with him, and hope the gun owners do not back down. Struck me as a bit of an ironic plea, but, very valid;

Firearms Registers: share to get heard!
Are you in agreement with this text? If yes, we strongly encourage you to share it and identify (tag) François Legault, Prime Minister of Quebec, so that the message is well known to the new government.

Here is the editorial of the December edition of the hunting trail magazine written by the editor-in-Chief, Louis Turbide:

Quebec firearms owners deserve to be treated like other Canadians

While the deadline for registering its firearms is coming to an end, it is important to admit that Quebec firearms owners continue to sulk at the end of January 2018 by the liberals. Thus, when writing this editorial, more than 90 per cent of firearms had not yet been registered. A real fiasco that the caquiste government has inherited and for which it will have to find a solution very quickly
In my memory, never a law passed to the National Assembly has been as controversial as currently in Quebec, to the point of coming to see the very vast majority of those concerned seriously think about challenging the law. But why? Mainly because Quebec's shoulder arms owners find it absurd to be treated differently from other citizens of the rest of Canada. I hope our new prime minister of Quebec François Legault is aware that he has a hot potato in his hands and that the first months of the reign reign may be quite difficult to manage if hundreds of thousands of firearms owners decide Challenge the law.
This is where we have come, and on the ground I do not see this movement of dissent losing force. Mr. Legault, are you going to start a witch hunt across Quebec province to try to count all the weapons legally acquired by your citizens? It would be a political suicide to act like this In the region, the liberal party has been removed from the electoral card, and the record of the firearms registration system is not foreign to these results. Don't make the same mistake as your predecessor who was a denial specialist.
Mr Legault, in the last few years you have screamed high and strong that if you became prime minister you would clean up, and that by the very fact you would be wasting the waste If this system was so important to ensure the security of citizens of a Canadian province, do you seriously think that only Quebec would have legislation on this? Of course not! Do you seriously think that if the firearms owners were convinced that this system could diminish in any way the violent crimes perpetrated with shoulder weapons, they would oppose it? Of course not!
Prime Minister, do you realize that 9 out of 10 provinces trust the control measures put in place with the Canadian firearms possession and acquisition permit to ensure the security of their citizens with regard to the weapon of Shoulder? Has there been a considerable increase in crimes committed with a shoulder weapon in other Canadian provinces since the Canadian firearms register has been abolished? Not at all! Then why are we trying to take on honest citizens who have legally acquired their firearms, while street gangs are making the law with weapons illegally acquired illegally? I don't understand.
Mr. Legault, in Canada doesn't own a shoulder weapon that wants. Quebec firearms owners have bent on all mandatory administrative measures to acquire or possess their firearms, as they have understood that this control structure is necessary and effective, which is not at all the case of UST. On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Quebec firearms owners who feel injured, I ask you to put the axe in this useless system. End the waste of public funds and allow the owners of Quebec firearms to be treated on the same footing as those of other provinces.
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