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Old 12-06-2018, 10:30 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeron Kahyar View Post
Okay I see that I can not imply anything and expect you to get the point.

Your statement says that the light 6.5mm bullet is not hitting an equal target, the 30cal heavy bullet. You with me so far?

I replied implying that you have stated an obvious imbalance. This shows that there is more of something one one side of the collision than the other. This implication being the 30cal is carrying more energy.

I am now explaining myself so hopefully you can figure it out this time around. Do you now understand what was said about the 30 cal having more energy?
I assumed pretty much anyone capable of reading this thread would have the common sense to know a bowling ball is going to beat a baseball in a head on. If it’s a comparison of penetration however, this type of test would prove nothing, all it proves is that a heavier object will beat a lighter object in a collision. For the test to be equal it should be a 5lb bowling ball vs like a 7lb bowling ball though.

If I throw a 15lb bowling ball at a moose and a 10lb spear at a moose, which one will have more penetration? If I throw them at each other, which one will win? Two of the same test subjects in two different tests with two different winners.

To be clear, re-read through this entire thread and see how many times I said I agreed with th op, I think because of my understanding of ballistic coefficients and how they transfer energy down range, some people are getting it confused with being a fanboy of a certain cartridge and want to argue for argument sakes.