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Old 12-06-2018, 05:18 PM
oiler_nation oiler_nation is offline
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Posts: 127

Originally Posted by Abe89 View Post
Kinda derailed a touch...the issue is Alberta losing tons of available hunting access to parks. Is there anything to be done.

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I have found it really hard to separate the fact from fiction. I did carve out some time to read the proposal when they released it a few weeks back, and I know that the majority of the area is PLUZ and Wildland Park with several smaller provincial parks included. You mentioned that we as hunters are losing a vast area, are you saying that we will not be able to hunt and fish in the Park? I had just assumed it would be a new Wilmore, have you heard anything different? I have mixed feelings about it, I own a quad, but living here and seeing the issues created by random RV camping and areas of unfettered quad access I do think something has to change. My take has always been that if I can fish, hunt, and back-country camp I am tentatively in favour, but if you are saying those are being eliminated I have some serious concerns. Just trying to wrap my head around this thing while the consultation period is still open.
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