Thread: Creedmoor
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Old 11-24-2018, 07:59 AM
Diesel_wiesel Diesel_wiesel is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 808

so I have a question about that 6.5 creedmoore
what is the recoil like out of one with out a muzzle brake ???
what would it be comparable to?? 308?? 26-06??? more or less
I've never seen one let alone shot one
only ever heard people bragging about them
I've got to go for a complete shoulder replacement surgery
thinking that will totally end my hunting days , with gun or bow but not with a camera
If you consider an unsuccessful hunt to be a waste of time,
then the true meaning of the chase Eludes you all together
you only get a second
shoot where their
going not where they been,
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