Thread: Creedmoor
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Old 11-23-2018, 09:36 PM
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Originally Posted by sns2 View Post
This BS is so thick a blind man could cut it with a knife. I am actually going to buy one to see how useless and/or amazing it can simultaneously be.

Any fool should be able to figure out that it will do the exact same thing a 308, 7-08, 260, 6.5x55 or 7x57 will do, which is kill whatever you point it at.
I am a realist when it comes too cartridges be they for hunting or match shooting.
If people are using the Creed because it works well in the action they are using , or they simply want something different , great.
Be that as it may, it's just another 6.5, period.
It does no more or no less than any other 6.5 cartridge as far as accuracy goes, and it is not some magical killing machine as some would have others believe.
From a hunting perspective I am convinced that it can kill stuff cleanly but no better than dozen of other cartridges no matter what the numbers say.

As far as a match cartridge goes, it is decent , but no better than a lot of others.

At the end of the day, if a person buys ANY cartridge because they think it will kill a big critter at crazy distances better than something similar, or because it is the flavor of the month at the range that it will win the big match for them, they had better be prepared to be owned by someone shooting the exact same cartridges they have dismissed.

I own a Creedmore barreled match rifle for reasons other than factory ammo availability or magic numbers, I had the barrel built because I had quick access to dies , and brass, it is no more or less accurate than any of my other various 6.5 barrels that I have shot, and at 1,000 "the numbers" don't give it any great advantage if I am not reading the wind properly
A person needs to put their faith and invest in their ability far more than their equipment, but I have been told that is wrong before and will be told that again.
I will now leave this thread to the Creedmore enthusiasts and detractors.

Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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