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Old 10-25-2018, 08:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Mr Flyguy View Post
45 lb coho? Nonsense of course.

Nevertheless, having been robbed of salmon by seals at Langara and seeing sea lions do the same it's about time for a cull. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the same culprits down south are at least partially responsible for the demise of the salmon fishery in Washington, Oregon and California. Maybe the carcasses can be rendered into orca feed?
Not so much down south it’s up north in Alaska. The salmon migration goes by that state first. The trawler fleet hammers them and the ladder netting on rivers that run through the panhandle before entering the Yukon or B.C. first get devastated. There’s salmon treaty’s between Canada and the states but unfortunately the other side doesn’t honour them. Years ago Canada got feed up and netted the lower 48’s salmon along Vancouver Island on a large scale to retaliate against them. Curious enough the rivers were loaded the fallowing year.

Hope the cull is a massive success along the coast line.
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