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Old 10-16-2018, 04:49 PM
Sundog57 Sundog57 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 686

Originally Posted by fish_e_o View Post
you don't have to smoke it i believe they have suppositories
Should be in the joke section but...

A group of cowboys is pushing a herd of cattle down the main street of a small town when they come upon a jazz band playing up a storm in the middle of the street. The musicians won't move and they're starting to spook the cows so the lead hand rides up and has a chat with the band leader. The band leader can't see much of a reason to let the herd through and interrupt what he and his boys are doing so the lead cow hand says "maybe we can cut a deal". "What chu got" says the band leader. So they go through a list, beer, no, whiskey, no, coke, no, pot, no. Finally the lead hand says, "listen man we got some marijuana suppositories" the band leader takes notice, not something he's ever heard of before, so he goes and talks about it with his boys and comes back and says "you got a deal"
So the band moves all their stuff out of the street and the cowboys push on through and pass on a little bag of goodies.
So... (sorry about this)
The moral of the story is - a herd in the band is worth boo in the tush.
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