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Old 10-14-2018, 02:29 PM
270person 270person is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Edmonton
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Originally Posted by Trochu View Post
If it's the Olympics or give hundreds of millions away to charities/foreign governments, paying for childcare and holidays, buying old, used jets, an obsolete drone, "artwork", etc., I'll take the Olympics every time. Especially if Calgarians are paying for a third of it!

I'm all for the Olympics if not one cent of ALBERTA and Canada tax payer money goes towards it. If Calgary and the immediate area think it's a great idea then by all it yourselves and swing away.

Great way for Nenshi to get around building a new arena funded by Calgary only though. Wonder if Calgary residents will be good enough to retroactively toss some cash up to Edmonton to help cover our new arena. Fair is fair right.

Socialist provincial government with socialist big city mayor = spend spend spend money we/they don't have.
You matter. Unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light squared... ...then you energy.

Last edited by 270person; 10-14-2018 at 02:35 PM.
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