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Old 09-23-2018, 09:50 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Originally Posted by MK2750 View Post
Just use a little imagination.

It's a beautiful day and buddy (we will call him teacher) is walking arm and arm with his girlfriend in the park. Of course his well behaved Pit Bull is walking calmly at heel. He's capable of putting down a German Shepard in less than a minute, but we will get to that.

Buddy number two enters the scene and thinks he should try to intimidate this nice couple and their dog. He's had this death wish for most of his life but in all his worldly travels he had yet to encounter anyone so ruthless and dangerous as teacher and his dog.

As a show of intimidation he has his German Shepard jump up on the unsuspecting lady of the couple. With Pit Bull still calmly at heel teacher shouts a warning "Control your dog or I will release the Kraken....I mean Pit Bull and he will mutilate your pathetic animal!"

But death wish buddy fails to heed the warning! Teacher looks to his side where Pit Bull is waiting and with one flick of the wrist the wrath of Pit Bull is unleashed.

Although untold, the rest of the story is easy to envision. With a snap of his fingers, teacher ends the vicious assault,,, but it is too late. Death wish buddy realizing the error of his ways now kneels beside his fallen comrade whimpering.

The young lady rushes into teacher's arms "Thank God you were here teacher!"

"No, no, thank Pit Bull my dear, thank Pit Bull." and the threesome walk off into the forest.

I don't know what is hard to understand here. This type of thing happens all the time in rural Alberta farmland only usually with a lot more Bull and not as much Pit.
A masterpiece MK, pure poetry. I was thinking the exact same thing ....

First the story was a dog jumping up upon his girlfriend - and with a snap of his fingers the teacher unleashed death upon the german shepherd - or was it actually a mauling - which, once again, here's the teacher calmly issuing ultimatums to the other handler as his girlfriend is rolling on the ground fighting for her life.

Makes for a great story either way - both equally funny.

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