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Old 09-13-2018, 04:32 PM
Badgerbadger Badgerbadger is offline
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Originally Posted by Ken07AOVette View Post
the same thing is repeated through all these threads over the years; do YOU drink coffee or alcohol???

and the person who wrote that stunningly creative thread stopper winds up with a big rock, just smiling waiting for the inevitable answer.....

Try to process this, Illegal Drugs are Illegal in Canada. Always have been. Still are.

Funny, I can not for the life of me remember when, in the last oh lets say 100 years coffee was illegal, and alcohol was only illegal during prohibition from 1918 to 1920 during the first world war, and at times in municipalities during the 199th century. Other than to minors of course, but most do not care about that either.

If you were alive during that time, and care to share some enlightenment on the hardships you experienced, please, by all means, do tell.
Prior to 1908, a lot of stuff was legal.

In fact, using your example, cannabis wasn't illegal until 1923, so even during the prohibition years you cite, a person could legally use it. Your argument lacks strong legs to stand on, I fear.
"It'd be nice if...."
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