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Old 08-17-2018, 08:49 AM
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MK2750 MK2750 is offline
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Originally Posted by ShortsideK View Post
Honestly, it is not ethical to use a 3wt to catch large trout on catch-n-release waters. Occasionally, it happens because, well, fishing, and that is totally awesome.
Sez who?
Another urban legend.
Who decided that catching large fish on lightweight fly rods was "unethical"? Me thinks its the old fuddy duddies that are stuck in the past.
No problem. They can carry on using their "sledge hammers" to catch fish.
Spare me...

Rod weight has everything to do with the fly, the conditions, the water and type of presentation. It has little to nothing to do with size of trout unless we are talking gigantic.

My smallest rod is a 486 Sage ZXL which is a medium action light rod. It is an absolute joy to catch large fish on when in small to medium type waters. The only reason I don't have a 3 wt. is the inevitably winds one encounters most every day.

It has become obvious that the vast majority fish over sized rods using hopper/dropper, large terrestrials, streamers and thingamabobbers with chironomids. Even the lines being used makes delicate presentations impossible. Find yourselves a light action 3 or 4 wt. with a good trout taper and you will discover a whole new world of fly fishing. It is often more like hunting than fishing but very rewarding.
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