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Old 08-07-2018, 10:40 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Don_Parsons View Post
None of us will ever know what happened either since no one asked what happened.

It sounds like your buddy failed on this hunt.

He failed to bring enough ammo to harvest the buck, or he should not of been shooting a rifle / cartrage he couldn't handle. How far was he when he took his first shot ?

No disrespect Kurt, but most hunters come prepare for the hunt.

This is why they call it hunting.

Not sure why he didn't ask you guys to go onto point instead of leaving you up on the road. No back up plan in place it sounds like.

Had he brought extra ammo, shooting sticks, would he of had a better chance of harvesting the buck since it was standing by at round bale ?

Just asking since you decided to share this story with us.

All we know is that its the 338 magnum's fault, is it fare to blame the rifle, or the person that is using it ?

Is speculating fare since no one asked what went South ?

Don, you just don't get it no matter how many times I spell it out. I don't know how many times I have to say it's not the car it's the driver, it's not the paint brush it's the artist, it's not the hammer it's the carpenter, it's not the ball it's the pitcher, it's not the ink it's the message....... and for the last time, it's not the cartridge it's where you put it!

I get on these threads because it seems a lot of people think their gun kills the animal because it's worked every time they've pulled the trigger. Well guess what? ITS NOT THE GUN ITS THE HUNTER.

Some guy makes a bad shot with a 30-06 then blames the gun and buys a 338 thinking he's solved the problem...... news flash, the gun wasn't the problem but if shooting a magnum gives him a warm fuzzy feeling inside then great, at least he's more confident now. I've seen a 338 not kill a deer, should he get himself a 50cal?

Woulda, coulda, shoulda don't mean squat after it's said and done and buying a bigger cartridge won't fix it either. Buck fever, loose scope mount, flinch, miscalculated range, wind drift, no cartridge is immune to any of these conditions and I'll bet they are all responsible for more wounded game than the size of the dam bullet that hit them.

Are you starting to get it yet?????

I'm bored, I play devils advocate and use my experiences as examples in flawed thinking, it hurts peoples feelings, so I'm sorry..... for absolutely nothing I say. You think a big gun will help with a bad shot, I know it won't, at least it'll boost some confidence I suppose.

Now, as far as legalizing a 223cal projectile goes....... whatever, I doubt it would be the first choice for many hunters at all, it's not like current hunters are going to lock up the guns they've been using and go out and buy a 223 for this coming season. Maybe a father buys it for his son or daughter to use for the first few years of deer season, and there's a dam good chance dad will be with them to say "don't shoot, too far".

Common sense has to be used even when speculating what may or may not happen, I don't think it will be the end of hunting as we know it if it ever does get legalized.