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Old 07-25-2018, 12:19 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Near Drumheller
Posts: 6,986

It would now appear Toronto will likely be in the process of voiding gunshop business licences. I would imagine people like Cdn Tire will have something to say about it, but, will comply. And there will be court challenges to it, no doubt. Now would be a real good time to send some money to the CSSA and NFA and CCFR, they will need it, if you don't have memberships, it'd be prime time to get one. Goodale hasn't said what he will do yet, but, you can bet we are now in the fight like we have never seen before. The game is on, and there is a pretty good chance it will be worse than we have ever seen. The media is touting "gun violence", not gang violence or mental derangement or criminal acts where guns were used, just gun violence.
And today is the last day for the E-1608 petition, it closes at midnight Ottawa time, 86,000 sigs, sounds like a lot, but, not very good. It is the 2nd largest MP sponsored petition of the lot, but, should be 10 times that, then it may have had some clout.
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