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Old 07-22-2018, 10:18 AM
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GMX GMX is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 535

I hope they look at reopening the hatcheries that have closed along the coast. It would be another and proven way to help out the salmon stocks recover. I’ve been fishing Prince Rupert for around 20 years and never had an issue with seals or sea lions taking my fish. Kitimat was a different story damn seals fallowed the salmon up the river had them snatch my coho several times. I got no issues with a little predator cull it’s not unlike trapping for wolves and big cats to help big game populations stay somewhat balanced. Anyone how spends a little time out in the woods the last five years can tell you what they have done to your favourite hunting spots same probably goes for offshore fishing holes. It’s been a long time since seals and sea lions have been targeted.
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