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Old 07-18-2018, 10:15 PM
tbiddy tbiddy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,971

You don't want to be the richest person in the graveyard but you don't want to enable a free loader either. We don't have kids of our own but my wife raised her niece. We are in no way rich but we live comfortably and we've had to reign in the handouts. The niece hasn't really had to struggle because Aunty and Uncle will help out if it gets bad, but the bank has shut down for now. She needs to learn priorities. Can't complain you don't have rent money when you get your hair or nails done. Or don't have a job but feel you're too good to take the bus cause you can't afford gas money.

And then on the other hand, the father in law is a multi-millionaire (like 9 figures, and a private plane rich) but he does not part with a nickel. He does send a $300 cheque at Xmas but there are zero handouts. We asked for a $30,000 loan to buy a work truck and pay the loan back in 6 months. He countered with $10K and pay the loan back in 3 months. Always the business negotiator. I guess that's how the rich stay rich.

We don't need the money but it would be nice to spend the inheritance when we're in our 50's and not in our 70's.
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