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Old 07-18-2018, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by MrDave View Post
Something else for you older truckers to realize, is that the highest rates for casualties on our highways are senior citizens. Statistics show that old drivers are more frequently involved in fatal collisions and now the majority of our truckers are in that age group.
New, young drivers aren't really the problem, its the elderly involved more often than not. That percentage of the population in now the majority, and its going to get bad soon.
Add in the fact so many younger drivers are now following their parents foot steps, and choosing to ignore some laws because that's OK. Mom, Dad and Grandparents have been rolling stops for decades.
Heck the drivers in Red Deer are now running left turns on red lights now. Its a big crap shoot driving now. Is it a senior citizen, a stolen vehicle, or a rushing heavy hauler that's going to get you at an intersection.

Also should mention that rural intersections are the worst so don't brag that farmers are among the best. We live alongside the Innisfail Auction, and see just how many idiots are driving with farm plates.
I call Bull Poop. If older drivers were the problem we would have the higher insurance premiums, not the 30 and unders. On top of that show me any large group of under 40s with zero accidents and only one or two moving violations form 16 to now. When and if I ever have my first accident I will re-evaluate whether I should be driving or not. I know for damn sure better than 50% of the under 25s I know should not have a licenses based on their driving and accident records.
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