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Old 07-13-2018, 08:37 AM
lastlatvian lastlatvian is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 107

Originally Posted by Penner View Post
I totally agree on both counts. I was of the belief that NDP types were traditionally tree hugging, animal loving, land protecting, anti-business like folk thus figured they might provide more budget to SRD to protect/enhance our resources with more CO's, Enforcement, Public/Landowner Education, Impact Assessments, Habitat Rehabilitation, Industry Partnerships, Reclamation Projects, and such. Closures other than the cost of placing signs and barriers doesn't cost squat. Humm, perhaps I assumed wrong.

3.5 painful years later, I'm just sitting here wondering when we are going to see any benefits from all of that money they are borrowing/spending on our behalf. I guess light bulbs are now way cheaper.
This isn't a "3.5 painful year" problem, there has been a funding issue with the last million years of conservatism as well for wild life management in Alberta. I suggest instead of "sitting around," you make a effort to inform you political representatives you want change in these areas.

The issue is as more Albertans moves to urban centres and cities rural/outdoor lifestyles political considerations diminish regardless of party -- this is a numbers problem not a political party one.

Writing loaded questions about light-bulbs that save a ton of money and are more sustainable for the environment you appear to enjoy is plain stupid. If you look at the current agenda (last 20 years in Alberta/Canada) of the right in terms of sustainability of wild life management they've scraped tons of protectionary acts, departments and taken away land access i.e. oil companies getting private roads and land permissions.

The theory that the right wing is the outdoorsmens friend is a false fallacy. They're run by money just like the left, if you believe otherwise you're buying the propaganda (bull****) they're selling.
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