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Old 07-12-2018, 10:33 AM
shooter12 shooter12 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 509

Trying to scare other people away with threats of grizz is ridiculous. I’ve packed out over a dozen bulls from 402 and never had an encounter with a grizz while dealing with the meat. I have left six bulls dead on the ground over nite out there and never had a bear touch them. Sugarloaf is a good place to start out for a newbie to the area. Lots of land can be scouted just by glassing from up there.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to start a grizzly bear debate ,but we a had quite different experience in the past .
Bear arrived very soon after the gun kill and I don't want to say we were scared but a bit uncomfortable for sure
It was in November and probably not the case with a bow and arrow, but still its a lot of them there.
Be aware
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