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Old 07-11-2018, 08:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Chewbacca View Post
Have had tooth problems forever. Had a bad tooth ache(not that there is a good one) and figured enough was enough, time to get them out. Dentist convinced me that he good give me teeth that would be good for twenty years, so I agreed. Five root canals and who knows what else I was on my way. Five years later I have had three of the root canals pulled from getting infected. Done some research since and from what I can gather it is one of the worst things you can do. In my case it’s true. Bacteria traps are what they are. Hasn’t done much for my humor when I have to pay 375 bucks to watch them throw a 2000 dollar tooth in the garbage.
Yep, it is the dirty little secret of the Dentistry world. To make it public knowledge could mean massive lawsuits in the States. I have not felt better in years since getting root canal teeth removed.

I was suffering with nasal congestion, extreme allergies and difficulty breathing. Dentists said I was crazy blaming the root canals. I finally got them removed and the Dentists was " Oh wow, that's not right. That should have showed up in your blood work"

Miraculously, I no longer need allergy medication (it was daily or couldn't work) I seldom get congested except when it is extremely dry (I use to never leave home with out a bottle of nasal spray) and my breathing has improved dramatically.

Another issue i suffered with was on again off again acid reflux and chest pain when I ate certain foods. Not surprisingly, that too has been linked to screwed up bacteria in one's mouth. Poor digestion and peptic ulcers are common among root canal sufferers. My stomach issues have almost completely vanished since getting them out.

I provided a link above but there have been lots of studies done. As long as lawyers exist not many are going to admit there is a big problem with root canals. If you search European studies on the subject, there is a lot of interesting info.
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