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Old 07-05-2018, 11:16 PM
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Originally Posted by nelsonob1 View Post
At least their convictions are expressed in a proactive way. Probably more effective than voicing their opinions on a BC Green Forum.
You're back again?

You have a curious definition of 'proactive'. Most civilized people choose to call it criminal. That is not how rational law-abiding people behave; if that were remotely acceptable then so would the suggestions proposed regarding how to get them down quickly, as those were all simple and proactive suggestions too. They also would have been much less expensive in respect to the extensive police and emergency services costs. Some would have even solved the recidivism aspect as well, but we're civilized here.

There is a reason that such fundamentalists choose Canada for their activities, its because our legal system is largely toothless, the worst they can expect from our courts is a mediocre gumming. They would not try this in Russia or Saudi Arabia, both of whom have far more dismal environmental records (and as such SHOULD be primary targets for environmental groups), they do not because they do not have the intestinal fortitude to answer to the punishment that those authorities would institute. They only have the guts to go for soft targets and that's pretty much the opposite of bravery, not unlike a robber who only targets cripples and senior citizens.

Foreign protesters should be identified and stopped at the border. I know it has happened and a fair while ago too, back when Kananaskis hosted a G8 Summit in 2002 there were known protester poop-disturbers turned around & sent straight back to the US from the Calgary airport.
"The trouble with people idiot-proofing things, is the resulting evolution of the idiot." Me
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