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Old 06-22-2018, 12:05 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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Originally Posted by pare View Post
I totally agreed with you. I think the Argentina coach needs to be fired. He made some silly mistakes that are not expected on a crucial day like this.

Firstly, Argentina was trailing and needed to score goals, yet the coach removed Kun Aguero and replaced him with Higuain. Fine Higuain is also a good guy, but if I were the coach, I will keep both of them on the pitch.

Secondly and ultimately, Argentina lacks what is called a Plan B. Their Plan A was Messi, Plan B Messi, up to plan Z. Too bad for the team, Messi is not playing as expected.

Well, Congrats to Croatia. I hope to see Nigeria wins against Iceland tomorrow. Can they?
Lightning stuck today and Nigeria beat Iceland 2-0 - have not seen the highlights yet - so don't know what happened other than the result.

Argentina has some new found hope I'm certain.

I watched the Argentina - Croatia game again last night, just looking more or less from a technical perspective - and It was obvious what one of the major tactical errors was .... Argentina used a back 3 to defend against Croatia.

Croatia is understood to be, and statistically, one of the worlds most offensively dangerous opponents (I think 4th or 5th).

They are also a very fast team with pace and a strong transition through the midfield and into the counter attacks.

The amount of open balls to the overlapping winger opposite side of the field was ridiculous - like 6-7 that I saw that could have been converted to an opportunity. Luckily Croatia missed the receipt of, or conversion of these balls and failed to hit targets a bunch of times.

Either way - Nigeria breathes hope into Argentina's lives ....

A real interesting group to watch.

Last edited by EZM; 06-22-2018 at 12:20 PM.
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